Monday, March 17, 2008

Reading and Exercises for the Next Two Weeks

From The New American Poetry:

The SF Renaissance:

Robert Duncan

“The Song of the Borderguard”

“An Owl is an Only Bird of Poetry”

“A Poem Beginning with A Line by Pindar”

Jack Spicer

“Imaginary Elegies, I-IV”

Brother Antoninus


“A Canticle to the Waterbirds”

Madeleine Gleason

“Once and Upon”

Philip Lamantia

“Terror Conduction”

“Morning Light Song”

“Still Poem 9”

John Wieners

“A Poem for the Insane”

“A Poem for Trapped Things”

The Beats:

Jack Kerouac

"Mexico City Blues"

211th Chorus

225th Chorus



“A Supermarket in California

The Buddhists

Philip Whalen

“2 Variations: All About Love”

Sourdough Mountain Lookout”

Gary Snyder

“Myths & Texts, Part III”

Other important Writers excluded from this anthology:

Joanne Kyger

Bob Kaufman

Journals Assignments

1. Considering the themes of romanticism, spirituality, and political engagement, describe how one of these poems fits (or doesn’t fit) into the broad themes of California poetry.

2. Do you feel a connection with any of the three themes listed above? Please discuss, using examples from your own work as well as the reading.


1. Write an imitation of one these poems

2. Write a poem describing, in emotional terms, the weather wherever you are during spring break.

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