Monday, March 17, 2008

There's this (verbose, nerdy, multi-thematic, stick-figured & all-in-all well-liked) webcomic, called xkcd. One day, on the author's blog (Blag), he discusses this Limerick database that he just made:

February 4th, 2008

Remember limericks? They were huge in the mid-20th century, but fell on hard times over the last couple decades. Now so many dirty limericks are a generation out-of-date, and the really clever ones lie neglected and un-retold.

I want more limericks, and I want the cleverest ones collected somewhere. It strikes me that a certain modern system for collecting bits of funny text might be perfect for both these goals.

So, after a moment’s work, I’ve set up, which you’ll recognize as similar to Submit away, both old and new! Anonymity is encouraged and a respect for meter is required. Dirtiness is not mandatory, but it helps.

This database of limericks is mostly (entirely) made up of limericks that contributers have sent in. Limericks are a form of poetry, after all. Submit your own! Who knows? It may become one of the top rated. Parental advisory: given that limericks are traditionally dirty, it's no surprise that the ones on the website straddle the line between amusingly dirty and too offensive. If you find a limerick so, then click that 'X' next to it to 'flag' it, which suggests to the moderator that this limerick be removed.


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